black centred mental health resources
all black lives matter. black joy, black healing and black futures matter. i hope these resources can bring us further to this vision.
i want to wrap my people up in an everlasting embrace.
hold them tight and not let go.
ancestors! fill me with the power of the phoenix.
let my tears
fierce and defiant.
let the wounds begin to heal.
cover me with your grace and help me wade through the waters of our collective grief.
there is space for all of us on my back.
when i get tired, let us rest in the depths while Yemaya holds us
and carries us to the freshwaters.
maferefun oshun,
warrior ooman,
let me nourish myself with your sweetness.
adorn me with the apparel of war and
remind me of my battle cry.
recall the flood and bring us home.
a prayer, safiya robinson
children of the yam: a handbook for radical Black healing
​black and asian therapy network
black ballad black women and mental health archive
freedom and balance 7 day journalling exercise